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An Admin role is a supporting role in Spec-Up-T.

Use cases

  1. The Admin splits a terminology file that contains multiple definition in spec-up syntax (mostly originated from a terminology editor) into single definition files in the right subdirectory of the terms-definition directory.

  2. The Admin updates the npm package called Spec-Up-T. This is relevant when modules are depreciated or new modules offer crucial features.

  3. The Admin update its own installation, which he installed with the installer, using the Spec-Up-T npm package.

  4. Not yet operational! The Admin adds a new language subdirectory to terms-definition directory and specifies the right API calls to chatGPT for a language and/or user-level translation from the source terms definition.


Add 1. Convenience tool splitting a file into atomic single definition files

The input of a Splitter tool is a markdown file with multiple spec-up definition, references, and external references.

You can do the splitting operation by hand, the splitter tool is just a convenience tool for large glossaries.

Add 2 and 3. Updates

Use case 2, update Spec-Up-T, has to be followed by Use cases 3: Update own installation

Add 4. Languages

Not yet operational! However, The design is:


Not yet operational!

  • one reference source language, which is English for example

  • the most comprehensive definition of concept covered by a term

  • it matches the Spec-Up-T directory structure: atomic definitions in markdown files with spec-up syntax under a terms-definition folder in the spec folder.

  • per language-userlevel an extra subdirectory with this naming convention: languagecode-LVL1, languagecode-LVL2, ..., languagecode-LVLn

    Since the reference source-files are LVLn, where n is the most comprehensive description.


Not yet operational!

  • AI will convert the reference source data and export the resulting files into directories named in this convention:


For example: EN is the reference language and we have one other language (Dutch) and two user levels in total.

terms-definition folder contains:

  • files that have the characteristics: English, user level 2.
  • subdirectories EN-LVL1, NL-LVL1, NL-LVL2

An essential feature of this AI conversion is the linking back to the original source in the generated content. So a Reader always has a reference back to the curated source in the original language. Just imagine how important this is in legally enforced specifications: you don't want to be liable for over-simplified or incorrectly translated rules and regulations.