GitHub Repositories
There are currently two repositories that contain three components.
Ad 1: The Spec-Up-T Starterpack
- 1a: Spec-Up-T boilerplate containing the markdown files containing the texts such as specifications and terms plus definitions
- 1b: Installer files that copy this Spec-Up-T boilerplate to the desired location
Ad 2: The Spec-Up-T repository: an npm package (created from the Spec-Up-T repository) that is installed after the Spec-Up-T installation is copied to the desired location
Schematic representation of how the repositories relate to each other.
(1 ) Spec-Up-T starterpack
(1b) └ installer file 1
(1b) └ installer file 2
(1b) └ installer file 3
└ …
(1a) └ Spec-Up-T boilerplate
└ node_modules
(2) └ spec-up-t