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Resource Management

Management of Deliverables

Publication Categories

Each deliverable produced by the ToIP Foundation may be rendered for publication in a variety of formats. There are two categories:

Publication Category Description Format Options
Basic A work-product rendered in only one format. Markdown
Multi-Modal A work-product rendered in multiple formats. Markdown, PDF, HTML

Table 2: Depicts the possible publication categories.

Note: Regardless of publication category, the authoring process may leverage more than one Markdown file to produce the final work-product.

Publication Access

This repo serves as the storage repository for work-products within the Basic publication category. These work-products can be found in the recommendations folder.

Each work-product within the Multi-Modal publication category will have a dedicated repository within the ToIP Github Organization with unique publication process details.

Naming Convention

Type Indicators

Deliverable Type Type Indicator Publication Category Target Workspace
Specification TSS Multi-Modal Dedicated Repo
Glossary GL Multi-Modal TBD: Highly dependent in process proposed by CTWG.
Recommendation - TIP TIP Multi-Modal Dedicated Repo
Recommendation - Design Principle DP Basic Subfolder
Recommendation - Best Practice BP Basic Subfolder
Guide - Governance Guide GG Multi-Modal Dedicated Repo
Guide - Implementation Guide IG Multi-Modal Dedicated Repo
White Paper WP Multi-Modal Dedicated Repo

Common Publication Category Details

Usage Convention Comments Example
Deliverable Title ToIP <TypeIndicator><4digitID>: <DeliverableName> <TypeIndicator> should be uppercase; <DeliverableName> ToIP BP9999: Utility Selection Criteria
Filename <TypeIndicator><4digitID>-<DeliverableName> <TypeIndicator> should be uppercase; <DeliverableName> should be lowercase and each word separated by "-". BP9999-utility-selection-criteria

Basic Publication Category Workspaces

Usage Convention Comments Example
Subfolder name within recommendations folder <TypeIndicator><4digitID>-<DeliverableName> <TypeIndicator> should be uppercase; <DeliverableName> should be lowercase and each word separated by "-". BP9999-utility-selection-criteria

Multi-Modal Publication Category Workspaces

Usage Convention Comments Example
Dedicated Repo <TypeIndicator><4digitID>-<DeliverableName> <TypeIndicator> should be uppercase; <DeliverableName> should be lowercase and each word separated by "-". BP9999-utility-selection-criteria

Unique Deliverable Identifier

Our trustoverip/next-deliverable-num repo provides a simple webpage generator for the next available 4-digit deliverable identifier. This number is computed by determining the number of repos in the GitHub Org plus the number of existing folders in the recommendations folder. See Issue 1.