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What use cases are most pervasive?

Question: What are the highest priority use cases that would benefit from the use of digital identities?

The Trust Over IP Foundation does not have a direct set of priority use cases. Due to its global mission of establishing digital trust the members of the foundation are widely dispersed amongst very different industries (finance, health, education, government, etc.).

The Trust over IP Foundation is supported through voluntary efforts of the membership who encompass a broad range of expertise. In their professional lives, ToIP members have extensive business expertise related to decentralized identities and verifiable credential ecosystem enablement in the areas of;

  • Public health and safety
  • Education
  • Financial services
  • Supply chains
  • Agri-food
  • Travel
  • Social transformation

ToIP community members operate in front line business applications and are able to provide insight to the Ontario government to realize tangible public private benefits through insightful scoping, governance, and technology applications.

In addition to their expertise, members of ToIP have connections to a variety of global industries. They have the ability to bring partners to the table who might otherwise not be aware of this initiative, but who nevertheless would have an interest in it. In such an environment, the highest priority use case is likely to be business identification for business-to-business interaction. The digital identity for a business can include basic registration information (company name and address), corporate officer identification (i.e. those that can bind a company in a contract), and regulatory approvals for the business (e.g., authorization to sell cannabis). All of these can be used to increase trust in business-to-business interactions, especially in the present environment where face-to-face interaction is difficult or prohibited.