- A
- api #tswg
An api (Application Programming Interface) provides a library of methods for a service which are linked via a build of an application or service that includes the calling components and the API library. This tightly binds the client to the service. In contrast to protocols, APIs tend to be simple to use.
- authenticity #tswg
authenticity (of an identity) is verifiable traceability to the service that produced the identity. In SSI, that is achieved by cryptographic signing of a hash (e.g., of a message) related to the identity by the identity creation service
- autonomic #tswg
An autonomic process, service or component is one that is autonomous and can operate without supervision but can be re-configured or overridden by an authorized 3rd party.
- autonomous #tswg
To be able to act independently
- autonomy #tswg
the quality or state of being self-governing. Variations for the ToIP Technical Architecture
- C
- confidentiality #tswg
confidentiality control of access to sensitive personal information.
- cryptonym #tswg#tswg
cryptonym - cryptographically protected, self-certifying identifier
- D
- decentralized #tswg
decentralized - TBD
- H
- hour glass model #tswg
hour-glass model - TBD
Requirements - describe how a protocol stack benefits from an hour-glass characteristic. Should be discussed in terms of emulating the TCP/IP stack and why. Lots of opportunities to specify an outside reference with possibly a summary statement
- I
- identifier vs identity #tswg
identifier vs identity
- An identifier is a Unique ID (UID), which is necessary for machine/machine trust (e.g., required to establish DIDComm channels between entities).
- The identity (of a person or thing) is established via exchanging one or more credentials ((verifiable credential (VCs)) with another party
- integrity vs authenticity #tswg
integrity vs authenticity - Integrity is a subset of authenticity. Authenticity (of a message in SSI) is established via a signature (a cryptographic hash using the private keys of the identifier), which provides integrity. The side effect is you also get non-repudiable authenticity.
- interface #tswg
interfaces within the ToIP Stack between components include apis and protocols
- intermediary #tswg
intermediary - an intermediary is any system or service at any layer in the ToIP Reference Architecture, which provides additional or supplemental services which may or may not be built using SSI principles
- L
- locus of control #tswg
A Party or Actor has "locus of control" over an identifier (or other SSI component) if they fully control its operations and portability
- N
- non repudiable identifier #tswg
non-repudiable identifier - definition required.
- non repudiation #tswg
non-repudiation - ToIP Ref Arch level definition required
- P
- party #tswg
party - a Party (person, organization, non-human Actor) controls an Actor (software component) to perform Actions on the Party's behalf
- privacy #tswg
- Protection of personally sensitive data
- Freedom from interference and unauthorized observation (surveillance)
- protocol #tswg
protocol - for the purposes of ToIP/SSI protocols, is an interface across a public or private network (in contrast to within a network node)
- pseudonymous #tswg
pseudonymous - a name, term or descriptor (for an entity: person or thing) that is different from their actual name
pseudonymous identifier - an identifier used (primarily for machine trust) that is not the same as the entity's actual name. A phone number is a pseudonymous identifier
- S
- service #tswg
service - a software component providing (typically) a single feature or tightly related features via an api
- system #tswg
system a collection of services (and/or micro-services) providing a set of related services
- V
- verifiability #tswg#tswg
verifiability - to be able to verify an assertion claim (e.g., ownership of an identifier, that a verifiable credential was issued by a registered issuer)
verifiable non-repudiation - is a strong form of verification. Where the act of verification confirms non-repudiation.